Miyerkules, Marso 20, 2013

Let's Read

You can find it on a towering shelves, some people got addicted to it, some just didn't have the time to focus or to pay attention to it except when needed.

Well, I first encounter a book when I was just a kid (approximately when I was 6 to 8 years old of age), at first, I don't know what's the purpose of it at all, what's with the strange drawings in a small picture for. My hobby was to draw and draw a lot that time so I just don't care if my parents would get mad at me drawing faces on it. And then they see it, and get mad.

So the years go by and I have to attend school as most of the people would do. Then that's the first time I knew why books created for though my parents introduce it already but I just ignore them when they were explaining about it. A book is a necessity of student, to be able to participate to a class, to review for an upcoming and etc.. That time I have to go to a library to get the information I need to answer the assignments that my teacher gave us and never failed (except when I get to lazy on that day). As I stumble to one page to another I find some interesting things, learning new facts, find wonders in bind of sheets written with letters formed a topic that could be beneficial for the many, sometimes it comes up with a little treat, a picture of the things that is referring to the writings.

Bob Ong's MacArthur

Ang Paboritong Libro ni Hudas by Bob Ong

Bob Ong Creation

Today, I've finished a couple of books some are written by Pinoy writers, one them was Bob Ong's "MacArthur" and "Ang Paboritong Libro ni Hudas", "Chico and Delamars Morning Rush Top 10, 1 & 2" and "The Hunger Games 1" which I finished reading just recently, now I'm currently hooked to its 2nd book "Catching Fire" of the same author of the "Hunger Games 1" Ms. Suzanne Collins
Gino and Delamar's The Morning Rush Book 1
Chico, Delamar  and Gino' s The Morning Rush Book 2
The Hunger Games
Catching Fire

Now, I'm reading "Catching Fire" hoping I can finish all the books well there's just three of them.
There's nothing wrong in reading in fact its a good way to improve one's self. :)

“Clearly one must read every good book at least once every ten years.” 
― @C. S. Lewis author of The Chronicles of Narnia